70% of jobs are never posted
Maximize your connections to help you get the positions you want.
Over 70% of jobs are not posted on a job board or public site and are filled through connections. Maintaining the connections to know about these positions is a full time job in itself.
Castanet helps you organize your contacts, set simple reminders, and gives you the tools to easily remember what you spoke to them about last allowing for meaningful conversations and connections.
Maintain Relationships
Why should it be so hard to maintain connections?
With so many Social Media Platforms, people get lost. Organize them here.
Get Reminders
Stop forgetting people, get simple consistent reminders.
Your Privacy
Your privacy is our priority.
We will never send anything without your permission nor will we share your contacts.
Organize Your Contacts
Combine all of your contacts in a simple application showing you just how vast your network is. Login into Gmail and Outlook, see your phone contacts, all in a simple to use interface.
Set Simple Reminders
Set annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, or even daily reminders to reach out to the people in your network and see the conversations you have had with them last at the same time. Never lose track of anyone again.
Fail fast, fail often.
Staying social and maintaining a network is a gift some people have, but there is no reason you can't have it too. With Castanet, we give everyone the tools needed to maintain a network as big or as small as you would like.